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AI Writesonic

Thank you for choosing our plugin for generating product descriptions for nopCommerce. Our plugin is designed to generate product descriptions based on product information using the Writesonic product description service. It offers both quick generate and customized generate options in the product page to cater to your specific needs. This documentation will guide you through the installation and usage of the plugin.


To install the plugin, follow this link.


After the installation of the plugin, you need to configure it before using it. To configure the plugin, follow this link:


After the installation and configuration of the plugin, you can start using it to generate product descriptions on your product page. The plugin offers two options: Quick Generate and Customized Generate.

Quick Generate:
The quick generate option generates a product description based on the product information automatically. To use the quick generate option, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the product page on which you want to generate the description.
  2. Scroll down to the product description section.
  3. Click on the Quick Generate button.
  4. The plugin will generate a product description based on the product information and display it in the product description section.

The information used in Quick Generate is Name, Short Description, Category, and Manufacturer. Also, Specifications and Attributes will be supported in the next version.

Customized Generate:
The customized generate option allows you to customize the product description according to your requirements. To use the customized generate option, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the product page on which you want to generate the description.
  2. Scroll down to the product description section.
  3. Click on the Customized Generate button.
  4. The plugin will display a form with different fields.
  5. Fill in the fields according to your requirements.
  6. Click on the Generate button.
  7. The plugin will generate a product description based on the information provided and display it in the product description section.

Customized Generate fields:

  • Product Name: Name of the product.
  • Product Characteristics: Enter all the information about the product here.
  • Primary Keyword: Primary keyword for SEO of the generated text.
  • Secondary Keyword: Secondary keyword for SEO of the generated text.
  • Keywords: Keywords for SEO of the generated text.
  • Language: The language of generated text.
  • Tone of Voice: Tone of the generated text.


Our plugin offers a convenient and efficient way to generate product descriptions for nopCommerce using the Writesonic service. It provides both quick generate and customized generate options to cater to your specific needs. We hope this documentation has helped you understand how to install, configure and use our plugin. If you have any questions or issues, please don't hesitate to contact us for support.