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Get Product


Gets a product by identifier (ID).
You can get product details for different purposes, such as creating discounts for the product or sending the product link with price and image by email marketing.
You can obtain ID of the product from other activities such as Search Orders and Abandoned Carts.


Product IDThe ID of the product.


DoneReturns the output model.

Output Model

Id: number,
DefaultPictureModel: {
ImageUrl: string,
ThumbImageUrl: string,
FullSizeImageUrl: string,
Title: string,
AlternateText: string,
PictureModels: [{
ImageUrl: string,
ThumbImageUrl: string,
FullSizeImageUrl: string,
Title: string,
AlternateText: string,
Name: string,
ShortDescription: string,
SeName: string,
Url: string,
ProductType: number, // SimpleProduct = 5, GroupedProduct = 10
Sku: string,
ManufacturerPartNumber: string,
Gtin: string,
IsShipEnabled: boolean,
IsFreeShipping: boolean,
FreeShippingNotificationEnabled: boolean,
DeliveryDate: string,
IsRental: boolean,
RentalStartDate: Date,
RentalEndDate: Date,
ManageInventoryMethod: number, // DontManageStock = 0, ManageStock = 1, ManageStockByAttributes = 2
StockAvailability: string,
InStock: boolean,
EmailAFriendEnabled: boolean,
PageShareCode: string,
ProductPrice: {
CurrencyCode: string,
OldPrice: string,
OldPriceValue?: number,
Price: string,
PriceValue: number,
PriceWithDiscount: string,
PriceWithDiscountValue?: number,
CustomerEntersPrice: boolean,
CallForPrice: boolean,
ProductId: number,
HidePrices: boolean,
IsRental: boolean,
RentalPrice: string,
RentalPriceValue?: number,
DisplayTaxShippingInfo: boolean,
BasePricePAngV: string,
BasePricePAngVValue?: number
CurrentStoreName: string,
AssociatedProducts: [] // List of products, the objects are the same as current object