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Discount Entity Deleted


When a discount entity is deleted, this activity will be triggered.
It can be set as a starting point for your workflow.


This activity has no additional properties other than the shared set of activity properties.


DoneReturns the output model.

Output Model

Id: number,
Name: string,
AdminComment: string,
DiscountTypeId: number, // AssignedToOrderTotal = 1, AssignedToSkus = 2, AssignedToCategories = 5, AssignedToManufacturers = 6, AssignedToShipping = 10, AssignedToOrderSubTotal = 20
UsePercentage: boolean,
DiscountPercentage: number,
DiscountAmount: number,
MaximumDiscountAmount?: number,
StartDateUtc?: Date,
EndDateUtc? Date,
RequiresCouponCode: boolean,
CouponCode: string,
IsCumulative: boolean,
DiscountLimitationId: number, // Unlimited = 0, NTimesOnly = 15, NTimesPerCustomer = 25
LimitationTimes: number,
MaximumDiscountedQuantity?: number,
AppliedToSubCategories: boolean