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Search Products


Search products by different parameters.
You can search through products and get related products to use for different purposes.
For example, you can get products of a specific category, make an offer for them, and inform your customers about it.
Also, you can get products over a specific price and make a discount for them and send them to some of your customers.


To get all products, leave all the fields blank.


Category IDsThe IDs of the categories.
Manufacturer IDsThe IDs of the manufacturers.
Store IDThe ID of the store (Leave it empty to get the default store).
Vendor IDThe ID of the vendor.
Warehouse IDThe ID of the warehouse.
Price MinProduct minimum price (the price is in the store's default currency).
Price MaxProduct maximum price (the price is in the store's default currency).
Product Tag IDThe ID of the product tag.
Page SizeNumber of the searched products (To get all the products, leave this field blank).


DoneReturns a list of the output model.

Output Model

Id: number,
DefaultPictureModel: {
ImageUrl: string,
ThumbImageUrl: string,
FullSizeImageUrl: string,
Title: string,
AlternateText: string,
PictureModels: [{
ImageUrl: string,
ThumbImageUrl: string,
FullSizeImageUrl: string,
Title: string,
AlternateText: string,
Name: string,
ShortDescription: string,
SeName: string,
Url: string,
ProductType: number, // SimpleProduct = 5, GroupedProduct = 10
Sku: string,
ManufacturerPartNumber: string,
Gtin: string,
IsShipEnabled: boolean,
IsFreeShipping: boolean,
FreeShippingNotificationEnabled: boolean,
DeliveryDate: string,
IsRental: boolean,
RentalStartDate: Date,
RentalEndDate: Date,
ManageInventoryMethod: number, // DontManageStock = 0, ManageStock = 1, ManageStockByAttributes = 2
StockAvailability: string,
InStock: boolean,
EmailAFriendEnabled: boolean,
PageShareCode: string,
ProductPrice: {
CurrencyCode: string,
OldPrice: string,
OldPriceValue?: number,
Price: string,
PriceValue: number,
PriceWithDiscount: string,
PriceWithDiscountValue?: number,
CustomerEntersPrice: boolean,
CallForPrice: boolean,
ProductId: number,
HidePrices: boolean,
IsRental: boolean,
RentalPrice: string,
RentalPriceValue?: number,
DisplayTaxShippingInfo: boolean,
BasePricePAngV: string,
BasePricePAngVValue?: number
CurrentStoreName: string,
AssociatedProducts: [] // List of products, the objects are the same as current object