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Seach Orders


Search for orders with params.
With this activity, you can create useful workflows. You can get all orders of a customer or get orders that have been created in a specific period of time.
Another good feature of this activity is that you can get the status of an order, payment, and shipping. Using this feature you can do some great marketing.
You can see an example of this workflow in the Automatic VIP workflow.


To get all products, leave all the fields blank.


Customer IDThe ID of the customer.
Store IDThe ID of the store (Leave it empty to get the default store).
Payment Method System NameThe system name of the payment method.
Created FromOrder created date from (UTC).
Created ToOrder created date to (UTC).
Order StatusStatus of the order.
Payment StatusStatus of the payment.
Shipping StatusStatus of the shipping.


DoneReturns a list of the output model.

Output Model

OrdersTotal: number,
Count: number,
Orders: [{
Id: number,
CustomOrderNumber: string,
CreatedOn: Date,
OrderStatus: string,
IsShippable: boolean,
PickupInStore: boolean,
PickupAddress: {
Id: number,
FirstName: string,
LastName: string,
Email: string,
Company: string,
CountryId?: number,
CountryName: string,
StateProvinceId?: number,
StateProvinceName: string,
County: string,
City: string,
Address1: string,
Address2: string,
ZipPostalCode: string,
PhoneNumber: string,
FaxNumber: string
ShippingStatus: string,
ShippingAddress: {
Id: number,
FirstName: string,
LastName: string,
Email: string,
Company: string,
CountryId?: number,
CountryName: string,
StateProvinceId?: number,
StateProvinceName: string,
County: string,
City: string,
Address1: string,
Address2: string,
ZipPostalCode: string,
PhoneNumber: string,
FaxNumber: string
ShippingMethod: string,
Shipments: [{
Id: number,
TrackingNumber: string,
ShippedDate?: Date,
ReadyForPickupDate: Date,
DeliveryDate: Date
BillingAddress: {
Id: number,
FirstName: string,
LastName: string,
Email: string,
Company: string,
CountryId?: number,
CountryName: string,
StateProvinceId?: number,
StateProvinceName: string,
County: string,
City: string,
Address1: string,
Address2: string,
ZipPostalCode: string,
PhoneNumber: string,
FaxNumber: string
VatNumber: string,
PaymentMethod: string,
PaymentMethodStatus: string,
OrderSubtotal: string,
OrderSubtotalValue: number,
OrderSubTotalDiscount: string,
OrderSubTotalDiscountValue: number,
OrderShipping: string,
OrderShippingValue: number,
PaymentMethodAdditionalFee: string,
PaymentMethodAdditionalFeeValue: number,
CheckoutAttributeInfo: string,
PricesIncludeTax: boolean,
Tax: string,
OrderTotalDiscount: string,
OrderTotalDiscountValue: number,
RedeemedRewardPoints: number,
RedeemedRewardPointsAmount: string,
OrderTotal: string,
OrderTotalValue: number,
GiftCards: [{
Id: number,
CouponCode: string,
Amount: string
Items: [{
Id: number,
OrderItemGuid: string,
Sku: string,
ProductId: number,
ProductName: string,
ProductSeName: string,
UnitPrice: string,
UnitPriceValue: number,
SubTotal: string,
SubTotalValue: number,
Quantity: number,
AttributeInfo: string,
RentalInfo: string,
VendorName: string,
//downloadable product properties
DownloadId: number,
LicenseId: number
OrderNotes: [{
Id: number,
Note: string,
CreatedOn: Date