Shipment Sent
When a shipment is sent, this activity will be triggered.
It can be set as a starting point for your workflow.
This activity has no additional properties other than the shared set of activity properties.
Outcome | Description |
Done | Returns the output model. |
Output Model
Id: number,
TrackingNumber: string,
TrackingNumberUrl: string,
ShippedDate? Date,
ReadyForPickupDate?: Date,
DeliveryDate?: Date,
Items: [{
Sku: string,
ProductId: number,
ProductName: string,
ProductSeName: string,
AttributeInfo: string,
RentalInfo: string,
QuantityOrdered: number,
QuantityShipped: number
CustomerInfo: {
Id: number,
Email: string,
Mobile: string,
Username: string,
Gender: string,
FirstName: string,
LastName: string,
NationalCode: string,
DateOfBirthDay?: number,
DateOfBirthMonth?: number,
DateOfBirthYear?: number,
Company: string,
StreetAddress: string,
StreetAddress2: string,
ZipPostalCode: string,
City: string,
CountryId: number,
Phone: string,
Fax: string,
CreatedOnUtc: Date,
UpdatedOnUtc: Date,
LastLoginDateUtc?: Date,
LastActivityDateUtc: Date
Order: {
Id: number,
CustomOrderNumber: string,
CreatedOn: Date,
OrderStatus: string,
IsShippable: boolean,
PickupInStore: boolean,
PickupAddress: {
Id: number,
FirstName: string,
LastName: string,
Email: string,
Company: string,
CountryId?: number,
CountryName: string,
StateProvinceId?: number,
StateProvinceName: string,
County: string,
City: string,
Address1: string,
Address2: string,
ZipPostalCode: string,
PhoneNumber: string,
FaxNumber: string
ShippingStatus: string,
ShippingAddress: {
Id: number,
FirstName: string,
LastName: string,
Email: string,
Company: string,
CountryId?: number,
CountryName: string,
StateProvinceId?: number,
StateProvinceName: string,
County: string,
City: string,
Address1: string,
Address2: string,
ZipPostalCode: string,
PhoneNumber: string,
FaxNumber: string
ShippingMethod: string,
Shipments: [{
Id: number,
TrackingNumber: string,
ShippedDate?: Date,
ReadyForPickupDate: Date,
DeliveryDate: Date
BillingAddress: {
Id: number,
FirstName: string,
LastName: string,
Email: string,
Company: string,
CountryId?: number,
CountryName: string,
StateProvinceId?: number,
StateProvinceName: string,
County: string,
City: string,
Address1: string,
Address2: string,
ZipPostalCode: string,
PhoneNumber: string,
FaxNumber: string
VatNumber: string,
PaymentMethod: string,
PaymentMethodStatus: string,
OrderSubtotal: string,
OrderSubtotalValue: number,
OrderSubTotalDiscount: string,
OrderSubTotalDiscountValue: number,
OrderShipping: string,
OrderShippingValue: number,
PaymentMethodAdditionalFee: string,
PaymentMethodAdditionalFeeValue: number,
CheckoutAttributeInfo: string,
PricesIncludeTax: boolean,
Tax: string,
OrderTotalDiscount: string,
OrderTotalDiscountValue: number,
RedeemedRewardPoints: number,
RedeemedRewardPointsAmount: string,
OrderTotal: string,
OrderTotalValue: number,
GiftCards: [{
Id: number,
CouponCode: string,
Amount: string
Items: [{
Id: number,
OrderItemGuid: string,
Sku: string,
ProductId: number,
ProductName: string,
ProductSeName: string,
UnitPrice: string,
UnitPriceValue: number,
SubTotal: string,
SubTotalValue: number,
Quantity: number,
AttributeInfo: string,
RentalInfo: string,
VendorName: string,
//downloadable product properties
DownloadId: number,
LicenseId: number
OrderNotes: [{
Id: number,
Note: string,
CreatedOn: Date